Gill’s Publishing

Introducing my range of small, affordable photography guides for Suffolk and my other photography books which have evolved from more in-depth projects.

For the Love of Landscapes

A 108 page zine bringing together 18 articles from Gill’s weekly blog post over on Substack.

For the past year I have been writing a weekly blog titled ‘For the Love of Landscapes’. The articles provide a little insight into the life of a landscape photographer, as well as being a learning space filled with new ideas, tips and techniques.

To mark 50 posts and a years worth of writing I decided to bring together some of the more popular posts plus 2 new features into a collection of writings that celebrate my love of landscapes.

Click here for more information and to purchase a copy>>

The Kingdom of Rust

A 32 page zine showcasing a short project that I undertook on Bawdsey Beach. The images depict the old sea defences at Bawdsey, in particular the steel piling wall that protects the crumbling cliffs from the ravages of the sea. From the casual glance this imposing wall looks ugly and utilitarian, a man made structure that has no place on a wild beach. But look more closely and you will see the interaction of nature, the effects of the sea and the beauty in decay that has come to characterise the wall.

Click for more information and to purchase a copy here

Planet Suffolk

The world is changing and so is our environment. On a global scale the news looks bleak but how do we view things on a local level. What stories can we tell about Suffolk? 

Planet Suffolk – Love letters from a changing world is a collection of 36 personal stories and photographs from around Suffolk. They tell of our connection with the landscape, our love for our countryside and the wildlife that inhabits it, our memories of the past and our care and concern for the future. 

Inspired by COP26 – the UN Conference on Climate Change that took place in Glasgow in 2021 the project has been collated and edited by local landscape photographer Gill Moon. 

Despite having their roots in the environmental breakdown the stories from participants are all about love and care and a desire to preserve for future generations the amazing landscapes of Suffolk. 

With Contributions from:

Pat Ainger, Simon Amstutz, Melinda Appleby, Stephen Ball, Alan Bedding, Michael Cant, Angela Chalmers, Mark Cresswell, Chris Cross, Christopher Cullen, Barbara Fisher, Anna Gallagher, Simon Gooderham, Ruth Grindrod, Zoe Harris, Mark Hodge, Claire Ling, Sheena McCallum, Gill Moon, Jeremy Mynott, Siân New, Laurence Nicholls, Rosey Nicholls, Sarah Openshaw, Nigel Paul, Martin Poulson, Melissa Riley, Jamie Smith, Nigel Smith, Tessa Sinclair, Dennis Tattoo, Dominic Whiten.

Click here for more information and to purchase a copy


Grounded – a year of nature connections on Hollesley Marshes started as a project in January 2020. It began as a piece of work to document a year in the life of Hollesley Marshes. This is an area I walk to every morning with my dog, it is somewhere I have learnt so much about simply by observing the landscape and wildlife on a daily basis.

In March 2020 the Covid-19 pandemic overtook all our lives and my project turned from a straight documentary to one which detailed my connection with the landscape through the constraints of my permitted daily exercise. The images portray fleeting moments captured during a morning walk. They were not pre planned, were shot without a tripod or filters and represent my reaction to a scene at a particular moment in time. They are intended to be viewed as a visual sketchbook of a special place.

Grounded is published as a limited run of 100 editions all numbered and signed

Click here for more information and to purchase a copy


Some wild places have the power to captivate all who visit them, not because they have unrivalled views or superior scenery but because they instil in the visitor a sense of wonder and awe. This project is about one such place.

It’s ancient woodland is a landscape of fairytale qualities where vast oaks stand side by side with some of the tallest holly trees in Britain. Reminiscent of childhood stories, the wood is a chaotic tangle of twisted branches where light is sparse and evergreen curtains of holly hang in the air. Dead and decaying boughs and trunks litter the floor and even on the brightest of days the air is cool and the forest dark. For all who enter here mystery abounds and imagination runs wild.

Rooted began as a series of six images which I entered into the annual Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) Photography Portfolio competition. These images won me a Silver – Gilt medal at the 2021 RHS Art and Photography show which took place at the Saatchi Gallery in London. These six images formed the basis of the book which I added to over many visits in every season. 

Rooted is my story of an ancient woodland. It is one of connection, between two tree species, between humanity and nature and on a more personal level between a photographer and an ancient oakwood. It is a project and place that has had a profound effect on me. It has shaped my art and has provided me with a peaceful natural refuge to explore with my camera.

Click here for more information and to purchase a copy>> 

At the Edge of Permanence

Nothing in life or the landscape is permanent.

We live life in moments, ephemeral and transitory, happy and sad, difficult and rewarding.

The same is true of the landscape – it changes all the time.

But there are locations that have a durability about them that makes them feel unchangeable and permanent. Coigach in the North West Highlands of Scotland is one such place.

Coigach lies about 20 miles north of Ullapool in the North West Highlands Geopark. The landscapes within the park contain some of the oldest rocks (3 billion years old) and some of the earliest evidence of life found anywhere in Europe. But on a more local level the area is made up of habitats and wild places that are transient and vulnerable and which change on a daily basis.

Set against the seemingly permanent mountains of Assynt This project explores life in the liminal zones. Those ever changing realms where no moments are the same.

Although I have been to Coigach several times, in both summer and winter, I felt it was important for the images to represent as short a time frame as possible. For me this gives the most intense feeling of change. All the images in this project were taken during the course of one week in June 2022. They come together to form my observations of an amazing place.

Life at the edge of permanence is a project that I have published as a hardback book limited to only 50 copies:

Click here for more information and to purchase a copy>>

The River Orwell

A magazine showcasing the landscapes of the River Orwell told by 9 different photographers from 3 separate locations – Ipswich Waterfront, Pin Mill and Landguard Point.  The magazine contains 116 pages and features 87 separate images in colour and black and white.

You can buy a copy here

A Guide to Photographing the Suffolk Coast

I have spent the past 10 years capturing the landscapes of the Suffolk Coast and have discovered a tranquil landscape where nature thrives, a place to be explored and enjoyed but also treasured and protected for future generations. I have discovered the many hidden gems that this coastline has to offer as well as the more iconic and familiar local landmarks.

This guidebook explores some of my favourite locations from tidal creeks to magical woodlands, colourful heathlands to vibrant coastal towns.

Filled with essential information and over 200 colour images it describes how to approach photography in some of the most picturesque locations in Suffolk. There are details of local landmarks, natural features to look out for and local wildlife to discover.

Covering 28 areas from the Stour Estuary to Covehithe and 50 separate locations this comprehensive book is the perfect guide to capturing the essence of the Suffolk Coast whether you are using a DSLR or a phone camera.

The printed version of this book has now sold out but you can buy a digital E-book here >> 

25 walks with your camera.

The Suffolk Coast 25 walks with your camera

The walking book consists of 25 walks ranging in length from 2 to 7 miles and covering some of the most beautiful parts of the Suffolk Coast. Each walk comes with route directions, a map, route notes, local information and a photography scavenger hunt for each location. The walks can be undertaken with any camera from a phone camera to a DSLR and are all about observation and connecting with your surroundings.

This book has now sold out

Both these titles have been produced with the help of the Suffolk Coast & Heaths Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) through their Sustainable Developments Fund and Amenity and Accessibility Fund.