Woodland Workshop

Woodland Workshops


My Woodland Workshops take place in some of my favourite Suffolk Woodlands including Rendlesham, Sutton and Hollesley Heaths and Common and Captains Wood. These woodlands are wonderful places to explore at any time of the year and it is possible to come back with great images what ever the weather.

Despite their beauty and diversity woodlands can often be chaotic places, confusing to the eye and difficult to photograph.  This workshop aims to help you see the wood for the trees and will guide you through the basics of woodland photography.

During the day we will look at:

composition and how to simplify a scene,

lens choice (macro, wide angle and telephoto)

working with the available light and how to use it creatively

We will also have a look at more abstract techniques including ICM (intentional camera movement) and multiple exposures.

My woodland workshops will usually begin in Upper Hollesley Common / Rendlesham Forest where we will make use of the diverse habitats available in this area to practice composition and finding an image.  After lunch we will move to Captains Wood just outside Sudbourne to explore this ancient woodland which has a more open feel to it. Captains wood is generally known for its bluebells but it also has some ancient oaks, birch and a large area of coppiced hazel. There is also a small pond surrounded by silver birch which works for more creative image making.

My woodland workshops will run during winter, spring and autumn with each season offering its own unique images.

What’s included:

6 hours of tuition. The maximum group size is 4 people

A one course light lunch at a local pub

A full set of printed course notes to take home

Email critique of images after the session.

Workshop Requirements

For this workshop you will need a DSLR or bridge camera

A telephoto lens, 70mm and over would be ideal

A macro lens if you have one but this is not essential.

A tripod, although you may not need this for every exercise.

Book a Woodland Workshop

My woodland workshops will run at intervals throughout 2019. The first dates are listed below. Please click on the date you require to book.

All small group workshops are £95 per person and include lunch. Bookings can be made direct online. If you prefer to pay by other means (cheque or bank transfer) please contact me

Photographic workshops make ideal gifts. If you would like to purchase a workshop as a gift please contact me and I will send you a free gift card with your order.

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New dates for this workshop will be coming soon. Please fill out the form if you would like to register your interest.